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Cheat Meal !!!

Generally, follow a diet is not easy because of the temptation, hunger or morale. Fortunately, there is the cheat meal. It is a meal, during which you can eat what you please. This is a concept that can be scary when trying to lose the fattest possible or you want to keep the shape. However, it has many benefits and can even help you.

The cheat meal boost your metabolism

One of the main problems of the diet is that your body gets used to it. In response to caloric restriction, it will slow down its metabolism, including reducing the secretion of certain hormones. But this phenomenon is against-productive for you since you want to have a very active metabolism to burn the most calories possible.

The benefit of this meal or this day off, is to send a message to your body to make it understand that you are not really hungry for calories, there is no reason reduce its metabolism. The cheat meal allows you to keep a sufficiently high metabolism to continue to lose weight.

The cheat meal boosts you mentally

We must not underestimate the influence that can have a caloric restriction on your morale. This can actually make you sad and depressed. Thus, your motivation can decrease and cause you to abandon your diet.
By giving you a day off, or simply a cheat meal, occasionally, you release the pressure of the diet. So you keep your motivation intact and allows you to continue in the right direction.

The cheat meal reduce stress

As for the lack of motivation, diet may subject you to severe stress. It is a period that is mentally challenging and therefore ask you a great will. Taking a meal or a bonus day, you relieve your stress.

Published: By: Fit Fight Concept