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A protein is a chain of amino acids. They compose our body: blood, organs, muscles, hormones, so they do not serve only to build muscle! Unlike the carbohydrates and fats, proteins contain nitrogen.
For weight training, we recommend taking a weight of 2 g by kilo body proteins of protein per day.

The muscles are made from amino acids from dietary protein. It is therefore important to consume protein with a good amino acid profile or know associate. The best sources of proteins are those that contain all the amino acids in the right proportions. Protein from animal sources (egg, meat or fish) are better than those from vegetable proteins.


The recommendations in carbohydrates are quite variable, and depending on your needs. In general, it is recommended to consume 2 to 4 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.

Your body reacts differently based carbohydrates that are absorbed. More carbohydrates quickly arrive in your circulation, the greater the insulin spike - a hormone released by the pancreas - will be great. The glycemic index (GI), allows to know that velocity: the lower it is, the more sugar absorption speed will be.


They provide the body with sufficient energy for its functioning and may serve as an energy reserve. They also have a role in the transport of certain proteins and hormones in the blood.
Lipids are essential to the body. It is therefore important to consume sufficient and not descend below 10% of total calories. For strength training, it is recommended to consume 1 gram per kg of body weight.

Avoid eating too much fat in one meal and distribute the fat throughout the day. For example, cheese, butter and eggs in the morning, olive oil sauce or cooking lunch, almonds for a snack in the afternoon, and salmon steam evening.